So hey there can you introduce yourself to the followers of the Blog and tell us a little about you.
Have you always been a fitness fanatic or was there some sort of change that happened that made you decide to become healthier?
I have always been interested in being healthy...I can remember as a young girl getting rid of one of my McDonald's burger bun and have never had an entire bag of french fries. It started at that small step . Of course nowadays I've learned more about what healthy eating is lol! In high school I joined a gym and enjoyed the feeling of working out. It wasn't until after I had my kids that it slowly became a regular part of my life. I read fitness magazines and asked questions. I set goals for myself such as running in 5ks and then doing the LA Marathon. I rode the 50 mile Rosarito bike ride a couple of times and competed in a few Natural Bodybuilding shows. I have placed 1st and 2nd. The look I had achieved was more of a Fitness Model competitor nowadays. From there I have just made working out and eating moderately healthy a regular part of my has just become an easy and loving routine for me. I definitely encourage some weight training for women. Many women have told me that they like my body has signs that I work out but still look very feminine so the look appeals to the average woman.
Who do you take inspiration from could you name 3 female celebrities whose physiques you respect?
Rachel McLish made the initial impact for me. Her body was what I wanted to look like and she is just such a beautiful woman! Kiana Tom also had the feminine look and also was able to reach a mass amount of people with her own television fitness show. Corey Everson also comes to mind as a pioneer in the female fitness industry and these three actually really started it all!
Tell us about your online presence so that our fans can get to know you.
Finally do you have a message for your fans who visit this blog?
Thank you for taking the time to read my interview!
I believe that anyone's body will respond to a good exercise and eating program. If you're new to the idea of introducing it into your life, just start with that one small step such as tossing one bun from your burger or getting rid of the french fries. If you're determined and want to learn to eat more healthy...great!! You may find that you never want to go back to greasy and processed food. Start with short walks and then the urge may come to walk further and eventually you may be running a Marathon! The key is one comfortable step at a time. I would highly recommend weights, either in free form and/or machines. Even if you can only find one free hour per day, I guarantee that you will see and feel a positive difference!!